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UCR Brain Game Center

Embark on a whimsical journey where your malleable bubble gum avatar masters the art of transformation, morphing into various forms to navigate a world where the environment itself guides your path. Discover the enchanting mechanics of shape-shifting as you adapt to the ever-changing landscapes, turning each twist and turn into an adventure that tests the limits of your bubble-gummed ingenuity.


Website: https://braingamecenter.ucr.edu/


all of the projects....all of them

David Clamage

Recording: https://ucr.zoom.us/rec/share/nYrEa74WMINTLw-nW5E_ZhFlCWv3VUWFsKVdb1C2VRaao85Whj1sD3G_xK0di1_G.4m66V7fXsQEPXRcI
